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Tips to Overcome iPhone Frequently Crash and Freeze

Tips on How to Overcome iPhone Frequently Crash and Freeze

Most users iDevice like the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch may often crash or freeze when they're using their iDevice. Many of the causes why it could happen on their iDevice, like the jailbreak process is not perfect, a data storage application is corrupt, an error at the time of application updates, iOS is less compatible with applications and many other causes.

So is there any way to overcome iDevice often crash or freeze it? There dong, monggo try the following tips ..

1. Restart your iDevice

If you experience crashes iDevice then most of you would have to restart the iDevice. You do this simply by pressing the wake / sleep in the top iDevice for a few seconds.

2. Close Applications Freeze

Sometimes when running the application, then the iDevice frequent freeze. If iDevice being freeze the iDevice will not be used for some time, but you can close the application that caused the freeze, that is by pressing and holding the home button for 5 seconds.

3. Soft Reset

Soft reset on the iDevice as well as restart the computer. If you do a soft reset, the operating system is running on the iDevice will stop and return to work when the iDevice is on back. The way to do a soft reset is to press and hold the button wake / sleep and home button simultaneously until the Apple logo appears on the screen iDevice.

4. Hard Reset

The latter is not recommended, but if you are experiencing freeze iDevice and you have to do a soft reset but did not succeed, then this is a last resort way. But if you do a hard reset do not be surprised if all the data in your iDevice will be lost, then to anticipate you should back up the data on your iDevice on a computer using iTunes. If you've done a hard reset then you stay restore all the data you've backup using iTunes on your computer. The way to do this is a hard reset by pressing and holding the wake / sleep and home button for 10 seconds, when the words "slide to power off" then ignore it until the Apple logo appears on the iDevice.

Such tips can we provide for you iDevice users experienced frequent crashes or freezes, hopefully the tips of us can be useful for you guys. Good luck
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