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5 First Android Apps downloaded 1 billon times?

    (ilustration android app)

A2Cell  - Google Play downloaded since 2008 ago, definitely a lot of applications that also stopped. platfrom formerly known as Android Market is like a digital shop, and the free android users are allowed to download a variety of applications that much there. both free and paid license.

Interestingly, until now, only a handful of Android applications pengunduhnya already 1 billion or more. Gmail is the first application that can surpass that figure in early May 2014. In the same month, a mail service from Google was followed by Google Maps. While YouTube, social network Google acquired in 2006, getting the user to 1 miliarnya on Android in July 2014.

Soon, up to break the dominance of Google as the ruler of his own virtual shop. With users who are now more than 1 billion, Mark Zuckerberg's social media success through the list of Android apps most downloaded in September 2014.

Meanwhile, Google Search closed in 2014 by joining this list. Search engines are also part of Google Inc. it completes the first five applications that have 1 billion downloads in Android.

Of the five applications, it can be seen if the majority is owned by Google. Of course, this can also be an indicator of how great dependence Android users with native applications Google, even with the power of the Android OS itself. As an illustration, Android users throughout 2015 already amounted to more than 1.4 billion.
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