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How To Overcome The DP BBM NOT Appear Newest

A2Cell - Blackberry Messenger or better known as the fuel is now the most popular chat applications for mobile users either on Android devices, iOS and Blackberry itself. Fuel much in demand because of the features and the way it works is quite easy and interesting.
Read also: Tricks Overcoming BBM Message Pending
Each time the fuel is always updating the latest features for users of Android and iOS, the updated version of BBM v2.5.0.32 brings the features Timed Messages, Message retraction, Discover Music, etc. But on BBM version leaves little Bug yaituDisplay Picture or DP who did not appear or appear Blank white.

To overcome the problems of these bugs will try to give authors an easy solution for displaying DP BBM is not appearing in the android follows:

1. First check your BBM DP whether to appear or not by using the account of fuel in other smartphones.
2. If you really do not appear then open the BBM app on your mobile phone.
3. Open BBM Display Picture (DP) and select Replace Picture.
4. Afterwards replace the DP with Sample Picture.
5. Then check again with the account of fuel in other smartphones, If it appears or appear
6. Please select the Replace Picture and replace with your own DP
7. Then check again with another smartphone to ensure DP BBM appears.
8. Done.
It was her trick to overcome the DP BBM Display Picture that does not appear on android, good luck.
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